Your Business Exists to Serve Your Life—Not the Other Way Around

Your Business Exists to Serve Your Life (Not the Other Way Around) What Marcus Aurelius Knew About Success That Most Entrepreneurs Ignore We talk a lot about “building the future.” But how much time do we actually spend living in the present? If your daily reality is all work, all growth, all next step—when do […]

Stop Complaining, Start Leading

Stop Complaining, Start Leading (How Small Business Owners Sabotage Themselves Without Realizing It) What Marcus Aurelius Knew About Success That Most Entrepreneurs Ignore Most people think venting helps relieve stress. But what if it does the opposite? What if every complaint is actually hacking away at your energy, focus, and ability to solve problems? Marcus […]

Shiny Object Syndrome: How Distractions Derail Your Biggest Goals

Shiny Object Syndrome (How Distractions Derail Your Biggest Goals) What Marcus Aurelius Knew About Success That Most Entrepreneurs Ignore You’re Not Being Flexible—You’re Being Pulled in a Thousand Directions I used to think my biggest problem was time. There was always too much to do, too many problems, too many exciting ideas, too many opportunities. […]

Stop Drifting, Start Sprinting: The Finish Line Effect

Stop Drifting, Start Sprinting (The Finish Line Effect) What Marcus Aurelius Knew About Success That Most Entrepreneurs Ignore How Many Projects Have You Left Hanging? Every business owner has a project they’ve been putting off. You tell yourself you’ll get to it when you have time—but weeks, months, even years pass, and it’s still sitting […]

Radical Acceptance: A Resilience Strategy for Small Business Owners

Radical Acceptance (A Resilience Strategy for Small Business Owners) What Marcus Aurelius Knew About Success That Most Entrepreneurs Ignore It was a Friday morning at the Starbucks where we held conversations that needed to happen away from the office. My Director of Nursing—the best manager/leader I had ever hired, sat down with her coffee and […]

The Cluttered Mind Trap

The Cluttered Mind Trap (How Mental Overload is Hurting Your Business) What Marcus Aurelius Knew About Success That Most Entrepreneurs Ignore Twenty years ago, I woke up every morning already behind. Before my first Diet Coke of the day, my mind was racing—emails that needed replies, fires that needed putting out, and a never-ending list […]

What Your Business Says About You

What Your Business Says About You (And Why It Matters More Than You Think) What Marcus Aurelius Knew About Success That Most Entrepreneurs Ignore In the early years of running my home health agency, I poured everything into it. Long days, late nights, weekends spent handling paperwork and managing the endless moving parts of the […]

Stop Overthinking, Start Testing

Stop Overthinking, Start Testing (Why Your Best Business Decisions Start as Experiments) What Marcus Aurelius Knew About Success That Most Entrepreneurs Ignore Marcus Aurelius wrote, “So make your choice straightforwardly, once and for all, and stick to it. Choose what’s best. Best is what benefits me.” You’ve been sitting on that idea for months. You’ve […]

Time Is Running Out

Time Is Running Out (Are You Building What Matters?) What Marcus Aurelius Knew About Success That Most Entrepreneurs Ignore Marcus Aurelius wrote, “You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.” Think back a year. What did you tell yourself you’d get around to “soon”? Launching that new […]

Building the Strength to Stand

Strength to Stand (When Business Tests Your Resilience) What Marcus Aurelius Knew About Success That Most Entrepreneurs Ignore I heard the news during our Monday morning staff meeting at 8:30 AM. One of our biggest referral sources—gone, just like that. No warning, no negotiation. Just a polite, corporate explanation about “new priorities” and “value-based care.” […]